Would you make a good Grand Juror?

  Would You Make a Good Grand Juror? 


  • Can you keep a secret?
  • Are you a good listener?
  • Do you have the energy to commit to a year of productive work?
  • Can you ask thoughtful questions, review documents, and help write lucid reports?
  • Are you interested in trying to increase the efficiency of local government, save taxpayers' dollars, and improve services?
  • Would you enjoy developing solutions to problems?

If you answered "yes" to the above questions you could make a valuable member of the Civil Grand Jury.

A Civil Grand Jury member is an officer of the Superior Court and operates under its auspices.

You will find it a valuable and rewarding experience in a pleasant and stimulating atmosphere.

For more information and an application

                                                                                       In Loving Memory Maryann Sheridan June 1, 1947-March ...